We thank you for your interest in helping us find our furry little friends a home. As Drowzy Dawg is a non profit animal rescue facility, we solely rely on our volunteer community to help keep this shelter running.
Donations of items that you are no longer using, such as towels and old crates, are always welcomed. Gift cards from Petco, Petsmart, Lowes, Chewy’s, Walmart, Home Depot, Costco, and Amazon are helpful too.
Drowzy Dawg is volunteer based, so if you are looking for a way to help but are not able to donate items or money, CONTACT us and see how you can volunteer your time instead. Thank you for your constant support!
– Drowzy Dog Team
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Kibble Wishes Dog spacerspacerspacer Kibble Wishes Cat

Drowzy Dawg Rescue
Every 50 cents donated = 1 pound of kibble!

ChewyGiveback: Chewy.com Wish List

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