Contact DrowzyDawg Rescue


Owner Surrender or Found Animals

DrowzyDawg Rescue is a small rural animal rescue operated completely on donations with volunteers to handle operations. We are currently unable to do any public intakes. Please check other sources for surrenders. We are sorry but we wish you luck in your quest.

If you have found dog/s or cat/s that appear to be dumped or are roaming loose please exhaust all methods for finding their rightful owner before contacting us. If the pet has on a collar with tag contact the number on the tag. Check websites for lost and found pets and take animal/s to vet to have checked for microchip. Put up flyers around the area where you found the animal with pictures on it and your contact info. Contact the local public animal shelter (not a rescue) and report the animal/s as found. Those are usually the first places people hunting for lost dogs or cats will check.

If you reach out to a rescue for help try to choose one in the area closest to you. Most rescues are staffed by volunteers and have limited resources and struggle to make ends meet all the time.

If you want to surrender or relinquish a pet animal please be prepared to at least offer a little support in return. Rescues do not have endless resources or funding. A donation of at least $50 or more will always be appreciated because it’s likely the animal/s you surrender will cost the rescue much more than what you donate in the long run. It is not mandatory but suggested.

We cannot guarantee we can take the animal/s you wish to surrender or have found. Please try other avenues before contacting us especially try to find owners of any pet/s you have found animals.

To send any found or surrender pets info to DrowzyDawg Rescue please include: size, breed type, what you know about the animal/s, and photo along with your email address and phone number.

Email: Contact: Drowzydawg Rescue

Ways to send donations:



🐱Cash App:

POBox 412
Covington, TX 76636


🦋Directly to our Veterinarian:
White Oak Veterinary Clinic
9221 CR 105
Grandview, TX 76050

Contact us with other questions you may have or to ask something not covered on this page or others on this website. Thank you!